HSR Driving School


Pass Plus Courses

To enrol in HSR Driving School’s Pass Plus Course, get in touch with us now!          

About Pass Plus

Pass Plus is a training course designed to help new drivers hone their skills and become more confident on the road. The system consists of six lessons covering topics such as driving in urban areas, on rural roads, at night, during bad weather, and on highways.

At our driving school, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality driving lessons at an affordable price. Our skilled driving instructors are local to the area and committed to helping you pass your test promptly.

You will drive throughout the lesson, and your instructor will assess if you are meeting the required standard.

Learn To Drive With Us And Take Your Pass Plus Lessons

You should never stop honing your skills and learning new things if you want to be a safe, responsible driver. We would love to help you achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.


Save Money

We are offering Pass Plus courses at very minimal rates. Also, Pass Plus can help save new drivers’ money on insurance, which is typically very expensive.


Stay Safe

This course will expand your skill set, teaching you how to handle various road and traffic conditions – many of which might probably be new to you.


Improve Your Driving Skills

Years of experience are not always necessary to become a great driver. With the help of an expert instructor, a Pass Plus course can shorten the time it takes to gain these skills.


Pass Plus Driving Lessons With HSR Driving School

When people learn to drive a manual, they commonly have trouble using the clutch, gears and accelerator simultaneously. If done incorrectly, this can cause stalling or jerky driving. Those who need to face this challenge often have more difficulty learning how to drive than those who don’t.

If you’re feeling nervous about learning how to drive, HSR Driving School can help. Our Pass Plus driving lessons will help reduce anxiety and increase confidence, making the process much less stressful.

Not sure whether you want automatic or manual? Call us and we can help you figure it out!

Our number one focus is always giving our customers the best deals possible.

Our certified instructors have extensive knowledge to hone your driving skills.

Why Pass Plus?

Pass Plus driving courses boast several advantages, chief among them being able to drive in various road and weather conditions. Pass Plus courses have been shown to reduce the likelihood of an accident, so get in touch with us to get enrolled in this course.